Conference on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems 2017

Taipei, Taiwan, September 25–28, 2017


Reaching the Conference venue from Taoyuan International Airport

By MRT (Metro)

The Taoyuan Airport MRT connects Taoyuan International Airport and Taipei Main Station. We recommend CHES participants arriving at Taoyuan International Airport to use this MRT line (Note: the direct trains are purple, the same as the distinguishing colors of the line, and local trains are blue) to Taipei Main Station. From Taipei main station, it is a 15-minute walk to the conference venue.

You can also take the red line MRT from Taipei Main station in direction Tamsui for one stop to Zhongshan (中山) and take a good 5-minute walk from there to the venue. The drawback is that you will have to navigate the Taipei Main Station underground corridors to the red line.

By taxi

It is the fast way (about 45 minutes), runs according to meter, and will cost around 1400 New Taiwan dollars (NT$1400 is about 45 USD or 40 EUR). You will need Taiwanese money. Show the taxi driver the following paragraph:


By bus

Take King (Kuo-Kuang) Bus number 1819 to Taipei Main Station (台北車站), which takes about 55 minutes. There are buses every 10–15 minutes starting at Terminal 1 and stopping at Terminal 2. The 1-way fare is NT$115 or about 3.70 USD or 3.20 EUR. From there either take a taxi (see above) or take the MRT (red line in direction Tamsui) for one stop to Zhongshan (中山) and walk from there.

Visa Information

Letters of invitation

Those who require a letter of invitation and other visa assistance please write to after registering, with the title "CHES 2017 invitation letter" or "CHES 2017 visa assistance".

Visa Exempt Entry

For citizens of many countries, no visa is required to enter Taiwan. For a complete list of countries eligible for visa-exempt entry and additional information see the website of the Bureau of Consular Affairs on Visa Exempt Entry.

Landing Visa

Passport holders of Brunei, Turkey, and Macedonia can apply for a landing visa. For more information see the website of the Bureau of Consular Affairs on Landing Visa.

Conference Visa

If you are not eligible for visa-exempt entry or a landing visa, please refer to the information on conference visa. If you have questions or need help to obtain a conference visa, please contact Seiya Pan <>.

Visa information for citizens of the People's Republic of China




在非大陆地区或港澳服务或就学者,您可直接向各地台北驻外办公室申请观光签证(非商务或会议签证)入台, 请见 tourist visa; 若您会从大陆地区出发入台,请记得再申请 『大陆居民往来台湾通行证』


如果您持有中华人民共和国护照, 敬请提早办理入台相关证件以参加本会议。 在大陆地区服务或就学者,目前开放大陆旅客来台自由行之城市为47个, 详请请查阅Click



于大陆地区服务之学者,若自由行不适用于您并且必需由我方代为申请入台证的话, 请向主办方提出『入台许可证』申请,并于期限内,依下列说明并检具相关申请文件, 数据如不齐全,主办单位将通知申请学者补缴相关数据。 已提出申请但未于上述期限补齐资料之案件,恕无法受理。

由于本方案行程无法随意变更,且我方移民署规定大陆人士来台务必遵照申请行程, 经查有不实,邀请方与被邀请方皆会受罚,因此恳请您务必确认行程后再向我们提出申请。


Step 1. 选择来台时间:

行程一:2017/09/25抵台 2017/09/28离台
行程二:2017/09/26抵台 2017/09/28离台
行程三:2017/09/25抵台 2017/09/29离台

Step 2. 请检具完整申请表格及附件:
  1. 填写完整之 大陆地区人民入出台湾申请书(请下载并确实填写完整 来台地址/旅馆请确实填写;联络人将由主办单位填写。 参考范例
  2. 双面大陆地区居民身分证 (jpg)
  3. 证件照片电子文件
    (1) 分辨率限 150-300dpi (jpg 或 jpeg)
    (2) 照片宽度需介于 430-500 像素、高度 570-660 像素间
    (3) 应为最近一年内拍摄之2 吋彩色照片
    (4) 以头部及肩膀顶端近拍,使头部高占整张照片约 2/3
    (5) 人像需脱帽、五官面貌清晰、正面之照片
    (6) 背景需为白色
    (7) 不得佩戴深色镜片眼镜
    (8) 不得使用生活照或是合成照片
  4. 4. 在职证明 (jpg)
  5. 其他安排好之非会议相关行程,亦请提供相关说明 (pdf)
Step 3. 收件期间:
  1. 第一次收件日期:2017年7月 3日至2017年7月 7日止
  2. 第二次收件日期:2017年7月17日至2017年7月21日止
  3. 收件截止时间为截止日期的中原标准时间 下午5点30分止 友善提醒:每个申请案件的审理进度不尽相同,平均审理时间约为2个月。建议您于第一次收件日期送出申请案,以免延误预定之行程。
  4. 如逾上述申请时间,请您遵循方案一或方案二办理相关入境程序
Step 4. 申请费用缴交:
  1. 第一次收件日期送出申请案者,请于2017年7月9日前完成缴费; 第二次收件日期送出申请案者,请于2017年7月23日前完成缴费。缴费完成后方发予收据。如未依申请规定日期缴交费用,主办单位将无法协助申请。
  2. 每个申请案件代办费用为新台币1500元整 (含申办费用及处理费),本费用无法退费。
  3. 请于主办单位信用卡缴费网站(缴交代办费用。详细缴费方式请参阅 『CHES 2017代办费用刷卡操作说明』


Step 5. 申请文件送件:
  1. 注明来台时间(step1)
  2. 注明是否参加本会议举办的excursion及晚宴(本行程不另外收费)
  3. 检具上述文件(step2)
  4. 将申请案及附件寄至

Seiya Pan