September 14-18, 2025

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

CHES Challenge

Since 2015, a crypto engineering challenge is organised every year in cooperation with CHES.

Call for CHES Challenge Organisers

Former editions have focused on practical side-channel attacks, design of countermeasures, deep learning-based attacks, white-box cryptography, and hardware security.

See for instance:

We welcome any proposals of challenge organisation for CHES 2025.

Guidelines for Challenge Proposals

A challenge proposal should comply to the following:

A challenge proposal should include:

Organisers' Responsibilities

In case of accepted proposal, the challenge organisers are responsible for:

This last bullet notably implies that a member of the organisation team should attend to CHES. One free registration as well as limited support for travelling will be covered by the CHES general chairs for this purpose.

Proposing a Challenge

If you wish to propose a challenge, please send your proposal to Matthieu Rivain ( before 31 January 2025.

Feel free to contact Matthieu ahead of time for any question or to notify your proposal.

CHES Challenge Contact