CHES 2022

September 18-21, 2022

Leuven, Belgium

CHES Challenge

This call is now closed.

Call for CHES challenge organizers

Since 2015, a crypto engineering challenge is organized every year in cooperation with CHES. Former editions have focused on practical side-channel attacks, design of countermeasures, deep learning-based attacks, white-box cryptography, and hardware security. See for instance:

We welcome any proposals of challenge organisation for CHES 2022.

The challenge organizers are responsible for preparing the challenge announcement, write a comprehensive set of rules, and setup the challenge server (or website). They take care of running the challenge and organising the challenge ceremony at CHES.

If you wish to propose a challenge, please contact Matthieu Rivain with a short description of the challenge (goals, rules, server, etc.) and the organising team.

CHES Challenge Contact